
Jan 3, 2024


Bty Mtz




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Master classes en 2024

Master classes en 2024

You’ve built an amazing SaaS product. It’s only a matter of time before users flock to it in droves. Right? Unfortunately, the dropoff and inactivity rate can be high with apps. One way to overcome this challenge is by designing an onboarding process that helps users recognize its potential and motivates them to use it. In this article, you will learn how, with the help of Feathery, to design an effective user onboarding flow for your app.

What is it that causes users to give up on an app before ever stepping inside or really giving it a fair chance? It could be the onboarding process

Sometimes half the battle in getting users to adopt the products you build is to first get them in them so they can see how awesome they are. With a high-quality user onboarding flow, you can easily increase conversions, user satisfaction, and user activation within the product.

In this post, we’re going to look at what it takes to design an effective user onboarding flow that maximizes how many engaged users you get inside your web app. We’ll be using Feathery — a powerful, no-code onboarding form builder — to demonstrate how to do this.

Temas que me apasionan y que nadie te va a enseñar en la escuela.

1.Hack like an artist (Research)

Enfocado a la parte personal: Habilidaddes para hacer esto que me quiero proponer.

Sistema, Networking, para donde va mi trabajo

2.Scanning the next


Enfocado a la parte profesional

3.Costumer Centricity

4. Ideation Creating

5.Share your personal vision

¿Qué puedo lograr después de tomar estás Master Classes?

The onboarding flow is a multi-step process that helps users get started with a new SaaS product. In most cases, the flow appears right after signup and bridges the user into the app. And for more complex SaaS, onboarding flows can appear as tooltips and guided tours inside the product.

  • Investiga de forma sistémica y eficiente.

  • Aumenta la calidad de tus ideas.

  • Identifica oportunidades de manera anticipada.

  • Diseña mejores propuestas centradas en los usuarios.

  • Mejora la forma en que te comunicas.

  • Desarrolla confianza creativa.

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